Notes from the Anaesthetised...

The anaesthetic itself is wicked. The initial fear bursts as I over-tensed for the administering needle to my upper jaw which has now left me with the curious feeling of being punched in the face or having a blocked nose through which air freely flows.

Then the actual treatment where is given an odd detachment through lack of sensation. My brain knows this process should be causing huge pain but no appropriate signals get through and the little uncomfortable twinge that does manage it is amplified in my mind as I close my eyes to let it naturally subside.

I have to constantly remind my hands and feet that there is no real reason to be clenching and tensing and so go through a limb cycle of rollercoaster ups and downs until after a lot less than imagined time, it's over and all I'm left with a shakey adrenaline come-down and an unfounded fear of speaking lest my mouth refuses to work.


In other happenings, I had a semi-run in with a most extraordinary individual on the bus today but that's tomorrow's write up already half written on my phone.

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