mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


Aidan hasn't been too well the last few days. He has a cough which is at its worst at bedtime. The last two nights he's coughed so much he's been sick in his bed. Last night 'Wee Ted' was a casualty of the sick. He's a 'surface washable only' bear so a bit of elbow grease was required but he's smelling lovely again and just needs to dry out.

I had Aidan at the doctor this morning for his eczema, the doctor is really happy with it and feels we're managing it well. I was really happy to hear this. While I was there I asked her about Aidan's cough. She said it's normally for babies to cough and then be a bit sick. I kind of already knew this from our doctor visit on our holiday last month. She listened to Aidan's chest anyway and said she wasn't happy with the way it sounded. I told her Mr Mono has asthma and I think she feels this may be what Aidan has too. He's been prescribed an inhaler and a mask. Well it's a cylinder with a mask on the end of it, not the easiest thing in the world to hold over an infants face while they wriggle and squirm away. Anyway Mr Mono and I gave it our best shot tonight so we'll see how it goes. The doctor said if Aidan needs it more frequently than just at bedtime we'll need to see a specialist. Fingers crossed that doesn't need to happen.

When we got back from the doctors Aidan was tired and grumpy so I put him to bed and we missed Peep-Fit. Hopefully Aidan will be feeling a bit better next week and we can go then.

Only 3 weeks today till I'm back at work!

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