Bumblings of a bee

By Beesarefine

Feeding time

I went to my cousin's today and before driving away, I decided to walk to the pool to take some pics as I had nothing to blip today. I also wanted to try out some of the settings on my camera as I don't have much of a clue and rely on 'smart auto' most of the time!

This means I took dozens of pictures and whilst I was doing so, a family came along with bread for the ducks. There was the usual mad scramble from the coots first, with ducks not far behind, then gulls appear, seemingly from nowhere.

The swans were a little way out, but they knew what was happening and glided sedately to the shore - still in their formation of one adult (the male, I think) followed by five cygnets and the other adult (female?) followed by the sixth cygnet.

I find their 'formation' fascinating and wonder if it's a boy/girl thing or perhaps it has to do with which adult was on the nest when they hatched - all guesswork on my part as yet!

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