Bumblings of a bee

By Beesarefine

Pool at night

Did some shopping for my cousin this evening, then walked the dog with his wife. By the time I left them it was dark, but as I didn't have a blip for today I decided to stop by the pool and see what I could do.

I used the 'night' setting on the camera, but as I have trouble holding it still the pic is a little fuzzy. I am tring to do more by way of editing - only using picasa at the moment. I discovered that 'feeling lucky' made the pic look like daytime and just wasn't right, so I opted for 'auto contrast' which did the job.

If I want to take more pics at night I will have to get a tripod as I just can't keep the camera still for long enough!

Oh, and btw not a duck in sight, though I could hear them in the dark chattering away!

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