
By chrisdonia

Here comes the sun

Today the Edinburgh International Book Festival opened. It was bordering on grey skies which seemed to have some of the organisers a little bit on edge. At 0930 the doors opened to a flood of punters and the Soweto Gospel Choir started singing. 10 minutes later the sun was blazing down and every face had a smile on it.

I'm in a curious position at the bookfest; I'm the festival photographer, but only for the first week. This position, previously occupied by the same man for many many years, is a bit ill-defined - I'm officially Staff rather than Press (which means I get a blue lanyard rather than a red one and get treated more like a real person than a necessary evil, but not being part of a team is a bit weird.

Highlight of the day was laughing at the people who brought children to see Philip Pullman, perhaps not realising that the event was to be something of a theological and philosophical debate with two former Bishops on stage with him.

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