Destination... my life

By apolonia

This and that

Finally managed to get up earlier this morning and practised some yoga before work. Wish I was disciplined enough to do it every morning. It gives me energy and calms me down at the same time.

Work was ok, although as always didn't do everything I planned. There are lots of things, papers, documents to sort out before my big travel to England. I want to start it now, so I don't miss anything and don't need to worry right before leaving. Im so excited. Little worried at the same time, but there are other things that worry me, too. It's never perfect, is it? On the other hand, dreaming and planning, chasing the perfect gives a lot of satisfaction, too.

My today blip is what I call my emergency blip. Palace of Culture and Science which I see every morning waiting for a bus. I actually really like it. It changes colours with different weather and time of the day. This morning it was all steel grey same as cold greyish morning sky.

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