Me by the Sea

By robindbythesea

An English Church in the Rain

On Giving by Robert Graves

Those who dare give nothing
Are left with less than nothing;
Dear heart, you give me everything,
Which leaves you more than everything-
Though those who dare give nothing
Might judge it left you less than nothing.

Giving you everything,
I too, who once had nothing,
Am left with more than everything
As gifts for those with nothing
Who need, if not our everything,
At least a loving something.

This is St Nicolas Church in Shoreham by Sea .

We finally managed to drag ourselves out of bed in time to make it to the Saturday Farmer's Market in Shoreham. Yes, I know. We're pathetic. We bought veg from local farmers and some gorgeous steaks from another local farmer. This same farmer gave us a free and seriously gigantic soup bone for Dixie the dog. Gary used it to make beef stock before handing it over to a very grateful wonderdog. Needless to say, our wonderdog immediately buried it somewhere in the back garden. No one knows where. You would think it was pirate treasure. I suppose to Dixie it is.

We also came away with the most lovely cakes from Treacle & Co including their utterly incredible lavender scented victoria sponge. We highly recommend anything by them.

After wandering around making all these lovely culinary purchases we were... and I know you won't find this surpising... ravenous. So we stopped at a new pub for us The Red Lion. We had the most yummy sausage and red onion doorstep sandwiches with lovely local ale.

And now finally back to the photo... *pause for breath* However, in getting to this pub we walked by this lovely church. It is quite old. On our way back, the rain came. I took this photo just as the rain started to fall. Gary walked quickly to the car. Dixie on the end of a lead I was holding looked up at me patiently waiting for reason to set in. How could one not stop to grab a few pics, however? How could one not stop to drink in the light, the atmosphere...

It was a life affirming morning followed by an even more life affirming nap in the afternoon...

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby. ~Langston Hughes

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