Tay Ghillie

By challum

Room with a view

Our Awe inspiring journey from yesterday continued up the valley onto higher ground and with it an unfortunate change of weather with some very heavy rain showers - albeit short-lived. Thankfully it wasn't so warm today and was far more what we are used to in Scotland. The rain didn't deter people though and there were lots and lots of hikers out enjoying the fresh air.

At about 2pm we reached our destination and found that we had it to ourselves, which is unusual in the Alps at this time of year. Situated at 2670 metres above sea level it is indeed a room with a view. In the distance you might just be able to make out Mürren which sits at 1650 metres above sea level.

Not too sure of our plans for tomorrow yet, We'll see what the weather gods deliver tonight first.

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