Ingunn in Oslo

By IngunnInOslo


Now it is Oslo Jazz festival and I was so impressed of kids and young musicians playing in this changer today in a free street concert. The youngest was 10 years old. This shot is of Mette Martedatter og Harald Lassen. They were so cool.

For you that follow my story about the girls on the street, here is an update:

I spent time with Irina and Maria today. They had a disturbing experience today. A doctor working for the police came to us as a private person. He asked the girls why they stay on the street. He had the "whatever you say, I know you are lying!"- attitude. To speak with the girls acquires a lot of patience, closeness and trust. He misunderstood most of it. Maria says mum to Irina, but that doesn't mean that they try to fool people to think that they are mother and daughter. That is absurd. In a moment he classified them as liars, drug addicts, and belonging to the Rumanian mafia. He frightened the girls, and I must say that I got nervous too. He looked at their pupils, took the pulse of Irina and told me that she is having stress symptoms due to drugs. That she has short nails was also a clue. Irina was shocked. She is a practical girl. Short nails are easier to keep clean than long nails when you stay on the street. Her pulse was high since he made her scared. I'm sure that my pulse went quicker than usual too with him hanging around the girls in such an unpleasant way.

I told him that whatever his conclusions, the main problem is that Maria is 16 and should not be on the street and that needs to stop. He agreed. He said that he would speak to the police as he was convinced that they are under the spell of the mafia.

Irina got very upset. Maria was in shock. They tried to tell the doctor that they are leaving Norway on Thursday and that he must leave them alone

After he left I held them in my arms. Then we needed time away from each other. I went to the jazz concert and Irina said that they had to find another spot. After the concert I ran into them again. They didn't see me so I followed them on a distance like an undercover police or just like an idiot. Of course they didn't meet the organized beggars. They sat down in the park, and was eating food and feeding the pigeons.

I sat with them and shared their food like they wanted me to do. It was good to meet them and I could explain more what the doctor had said and what really happened. Irina smiled to me and said that it is me that brings them into trouble. I look so nice and friendly that people like to stop, give more money and more food - and speak. When I'm not there she can just look down, nobody notice her and leave her alone. She said that Jesus had sent me and that I was a real good friend that they will never forget me. When they are back in Budapest they will have contact with me over internet. Maria hugged me for a long time and called me mum. I guess that makes her a liar. I will run to the doctor and tell him that his conclusions were right after all. He was such a charming tyrant.

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