Every Little Step

By moonfairy

Election, what election?

Today is election day in Australia.

After a long day at work, and my daughter having been away overnight, we decided to go to the polling station together.

"Let's walk," she said. "and don't forget your camera."

So off we set on a warm afternoon, at 4pm. It's not too far to walk and was quite pleasant.

I had an idea of the kind of photo I wanted for election day. I imagined the long queues of people, the placards and the party faithfull handing out leaflets, plenty of photo opportunities.

When we got there, there were no queues of people, we went straight in, there were hardly any placards, and the party faithfull, were very subdued.

So we voted and came straight out again. Quite disappointing really.

Still. I think we are all a bit fed up with the election and nobody seems to know who to vote for.

On the way home, we walked past a house where these two cats were sleeping
in the sun, they looked so happy and contented, clearly they weren't worried about the election.

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