A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Top up

So three weeks in to our month long hiding away in Spain and I've finally got around to blipping. In my defence, m'lord, for the first two we didn't have broadband and since we have we've had visitors. Not to mention proving that blip is a habit and once you stop for a long time it's harder to get going again.

Anyway, I knew you'd all be on the edge of your seats wondering how my toes were doing so here they are after their third top-up. Just to show how slovenly I can become when expected to do little more than apply suncream and make a salad there has been only varnish top up.

Possibly because it just gives me the excuse to write 'top-up' a lot. I can't link on my ithingy but if you want a giggle look up Eddie Izzard's flight of the Volkswagen sketch which includes a simply hilarious reference to top-up. Really, it does.

Anyway, my wine glass has just been topped up and there's company on the terrace.

Hope all are well
Lesley x

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