A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Some things are worth the wait

In the context of backblipping three weeks late then this photo might not be one of them. But on the day, following a week of running about all over the place, a day of frenzied packing and getting up at stupid o'clock for a flight that sat on the tarmac for roughly the same amount of time it was in the air, this sight was well worth it.

This is the terrace of our Spanish casa which we are lucky enough to be able to hang out in for the whole of August. For the first half without internet and now with internet that took 5 minutes for this image to upload. I may delay backblipping anymore for a while. Still, it gave me to time to improve my Doodle Jump score as the kids have temporarily unplugged themselves for a dip in the pool.

Speaking of which...

Lesley x

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