
By baldywilson

Blue lights

Today was one of those days that really just didn't happen. We were supposed to go 'Zorbing', but late in the week I was asked if I'd like to do some photography at an event today; the event was right up my street (so to speak), so - after discussing the situation with my wife - we decided to do the photography thing. Sadly, thanks to the Great British weather, the event was called off at the last possible minute, so we did neither Zorbing nor fun photography.

I did try to take some outdoor photographs anyway, but with the light being utterly dreadful, I wasn't terribly successful. So you get this: the blue lights on my mouse's scroll wheel, a shot that probably took far too long to set up for the end results, but I enjoyed it: my wife found my long-missing Gitzo Explorer tripod a few days ago - along with the off-center-ball head - which is an absolute must of table-top macro abstracts.

With the mouse on top of my netbook to ensure the area was suitably dark, I realised I had to contend with a light-source other than blue LEDs: my Mac monitor. 'The Zombie Survival Handbook' was used to screen that out of the shot. It's been one of those days :-D

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