Escaping Erebus

By Escaping_Erebus

Lost In Pages

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

-Groucho Marx


This is pretty much where you would have found me if you had gone looking for me the last couple days. Curled up in bed, reading.

I must say, this particular book had a VERY slow start at becoming anything interesting. But I read it through anyways. Tonight's shot was a quickie, but once my schedule gets settled in with the new job, I'll be able to do the ones that I've been wanting to for the last while. I've got a few good ideas, but they require a certain kind of light. I hope the rain clears up so I can get deeper shadows outside.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed.

Bah, you caught me, I'm such a liar. I'm going to read. :oP

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