running towards nothing

By rtn

Lomo flowers

Very wet today so I stayed in to do some chores around the house. These flowers have been pretty but they are on their last legs so I thought I'd snap them before throwing them out. I softened the focus and tried out a few effects in Photogene for iPad - Lomo was a new term to me so I looked it up and found the Lomography web site, explaining the origins of the Russian Lomo cameras and the style of snapshot the cameras produced, characterised by unusual saturations. I was quite taken with the 10 Golden Rules of Lomography:

1.Take your camera everywhere you go
2.Use it any time, day and night
3.Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it
4.Try the shot from the hip
5.Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible
6.Don't think (william firebrace)
7.Be fast
8.You don't have to know beforehand what you captured on film
9.Afterwards either
10.Don't worry about any rules

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