One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Portrait of the artist

as a very irritated young man who'd rather not be disturbed by premature shutter actions when his work is still in progress.

He is far more willing to have it photographed once it's completed though...

Luca is now doing his bit for the environment and does not use half as much paper for his drawings. He is practicing his CAD skills to start working for Pixar or Dreamworks one day. He has already asked me about the cost of airline tickets, for when he leaves for America, to find work in one of the big studios...

I wish him the best of luck. I had sort of hoped that he would work for an airline and provide the cheap travel but I have now deflected all my hopes on Finn(-zy Bob), a true enthusiast of all transport related toys.

At least, Luca's passion for Paint and drawing on the computer may justify the purchase of a graphic tablet, which in my hands would be a mere gadget as far as Mrs Raheny Eye is concerned, but which could be sold to her as a "great tool essential to his development".

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