
By ineffable


These are from our garden. And by our, I mean our dear landlord who has the most extensive and beautiful, and mostly contained garden. It is really fantastic. When Marla was here the wife of our landlord gave us these and I used them at our family dinner for the most delicious Insalata Caprese.

I have been growing habaneros, jalepenos, cherry tomatoes, herbs, and one unknown. The unknown is really something else. I also grew lettuce, but I didn't know it was lettuce so the flower part grew and the leaf part kind of all piled up on top of each other.

This has been my first successful year of growing. I attribute it mainly to my landlord, then to J and then to me. I mostly only pick the plants or get mad at J when he eats the only ripe tomato. It's kind of addictive, this growing things you can eat and use business.

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