Robbie's Roots

By robertfelton

Grey Wagtail

Difficult day, poor light, high winds but apart from that everything was OK ;) Finally had a hour to try and get my Blip so made my way to Cardington Brook. To my suprise there were plenty of Common Darter Dragonflies active, but I think I've blipped them quite enough recently. There was a hurried capture of a Speckled Wood Butterfly and I would have liked to got some more but it inconveniently made off, there was also the usual large Whites and some Mallards on the brook. I finally decided to Blip this Grey Wagtail, it was up by the bridge near to the small weir where I got the capture of the Kingfisher. The Grey Wagtail is much more colourful than its name suggests with slate grey upper parts and distinctive lemon yellow under-tail.

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