Iron Reflections

His Lordship's birthday and a very lucky bingo number it is too, if I may say so.
His birthday present was a set of keys to the Dower House.

To celebrate, we have moved a van load of 'stuff' from the castle into the Dower House and generally have had loads of fun - not.

As we arrived to receive the van load, it seemed that all that came out were little Ikea wooden boxes, more and more and yet more: far too many and nowhere to put them, but all full of my personal treasures.

Hopefully when the flat pack assembler comes tomorrow we will have some storage space for them, that's if the flat packs arrive too.

There are still a hundred or so car trips lined up over the next few days with smaller treasures such as coat hangers, dusters, kitchen equipment, and cleaning stuff.

We had a lovely time last night with the new young owners -to- be of the castle.
I just hope things will be as cordial once they get possession and realise the decoration they have to do to bring it up to the pristine standard of their house at the moment.

Fortunately they are planning a bit of alteration below stairs to the castle kitchens, so the mess they make might just mask the remains of 30 years of family dust and finger printed walls. Lets hope so anyway.

To say my feet and His Lordships knees hurt is an understatement and it's an early bed for us as we have to be up early to hear some pearls of wisdom from the electronic guru, principally to how to turn on the TV to watch Corrie.
How sad are we.

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