
By cracker


I was retained at work this morning for an hour, Kaz had to go into work, Cheryl had to go home so I had to meet Kaz and Spence at a petrol station on the way!

Spence and I went straight to the Music and Movement class and we weren't too late! Spence was a bit clingy but had a good time! We pulled up at the front and I went to get Spence out and he started to cry saying that he didn't want to go in. I asked him why and he sad he wanted to see Ethan and Tarsha! They had just pulled up as well so he saw them and was excited!

Spence had his sleep and I pottered about, I went out into the garden to find my blip for today. I found these really cool flowers that look like lollipops!! I have never seen anything like them before! We haven't been in our house for a year yet, so there are still things in the garden popping up that we haven't seen before!

I am at work now and I spoke to Kaz just before. She said that earlier she put Spence to bed then about half and hour later she heard a thump, then another one. She got up and went into Spence's room and saw the light was on and Spence was just in the process of getting back into bed with a book! Kaz went in and said 'What are you doing?'. Spence apparently looked at her, realised that she wasn't smiling, then his little bottom lip started to droop and he started to cry! He thought he was having a great time and couldn't understand why Kaz was talking to him sternly!!


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