Fear & Loathing

By McDawg


i feel out of the massive total of five shots that i managed to take today, that this one best represents my day and the state of my head.
today i finished the fencing, built the bairns playhouse and built the dogs new daytime house. this was all done before the final race of the season so that i could sit back in peace and watch young master hamilton lift the title (and hopefully bitch slap alonso as well.)
well for those of you that follow formula 1 this was not to be the case, still i'm happy enough with Raikkonen winning the title, at least something made him smile. Hakkinen(?) was the same. is it something genetic in finnish men. he definately earns his nickname of "the iceman."
back to work in little under eight hours. first week off was great but this second week has flown by. never mind, go to amsterdam on friday.......should be interesting

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