Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

urban travel

well another slow blip day for me. first day back after 2 weeks off. it certainly brought me back down to earth with a crash. the only thing keeping me going is the thought that soon i shall be back home. weird thing for me is that i'm not worrying too much about work or rather finding a new job.
one way or another everything works itself out in the end. not always the way we want mind you but still a result none the less.
so the blip. this is what passes for a river in this bit of the city. it's actually lewisham which, and i'm being generous here, is one big outdoor toilet. lucky me, my office is on the high street here. fortunately my job involves me going to mainly nicer parts of the city on a daily basis so this place is mainly just a starting point.
i took this on my way to the station. i saw the train going over the bridge and noticed it's reflection on the water. lucky for me it was a long train and i had time to whip out the camera and rattle of a couple of shots. i was a bit disappointed with the trains reflection but was pleasantly suprised to see that the reflected parts went through the tunnel and up to the bend.

this qualifies as blip madness as i had a digital camera out on the streets of lewisham.

LOTD- escaping erebus for the cool long exposure shot

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