Happy Place

Day of work today, chillin' with my girls.

Baby42 had a bit of a grumbly day with sore gums (no teeth yet), but her thumb is her saviour in between bouts of trying to crawl and roll over on her blip rug. If you look back to the day she was born you can see she is sucking her thumb in exactly the same way. She had a couple of months off, but found it again a few weeks ago and has slept through the night ever since .. well, for now anyway!

A late dinner (been busy in the kitchen with Mrs42 cooking up a storm. Well, maybe a brief squall if not a storm, with a turnip and bacon soup and a posh fish pie).

Night all - sorry for the comment crapness, just too weary.


> Sore Gums

> Thumb

> Cuddles

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