It Started Down Under

By dirk

Witches Garden

Today we visited the witch museum of Appelscha. This is the garden full of rituals of the actual witch of Appelscha. She gave us a warm welcome and invited us to do the tour and experience the rituals and even participated in a workshop with dowsing rods.

It was one of the best days this holiday. I learned a lot and we also got to focus on our wishes and look at our past and future during our experiences in this magic garden. Here you can see my girlfriend focusing on her wishes in the middle of one spiral of the double spiral ritual.

My girlfriend bought me a birthday gift from the witch shop and she also bought us some stones with mystic powers to help us in life. It was really a wonderful day full of new experiences and insights. At the end of the afternoon we actually got to participate in the big wishes ritual with the witch herself in the witches circle.

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