Gable Erratic

By MsGable


Oh what a day. A holiday. I thought I might go to work for an hour or so to sort out a few urgent things, fill up with petrol, and then go to the local agricultural show for the afternoon. No. Instead, I spent all day trying to resurrect my old computer, load antivirus programmes, phone the modem people to get that working to get on the internet, reset all sorts of boxes and drop down menus and .... oh, forget it, I've had enough. At last, just before 8 o'clock, the system was up and running bar a few, hopefully problem free tweaks, tomorrow night when I get home from "work".

Is this new job of G's really worth it? He doesn't think so, he's already missing his enforced early retirement enormously.

Get to work!

Rant over. I walked with G through the village to the post office with his office post and took this photo through the bars of a gate. I really needed that walk!

Back to work tomorrow for a rest.

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