Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

A question of scale

Another day of glorious Autumn weather. I was determined to get my act together and get out into the fresh air after yesterday's dismal failure to set foot outside the house, and I duly headed out around 2.30.

First port of call was the South Wall, location of the Pigeon House power station, but also a spot which hides a secret little beach and where the Wall itself reaches out into the Irish Sea, mirroring the North Wall across the bay to form the entrance to Dublin Port. The tide was low, but I spent a pleasant while enjoying the bracing sea air before moving on. I wasn't the only one there, though some of the others were much more dedicated to their walking than I was.

I'd arranged to meet Carl when he finished work, so I went out to Dún Laoghaire even though it was still hours before we were due to meet. I planned to get a copy of that book which I didn't get round to yesterday, and tried three different book shops without any joy (all three had the same author's Seeing, but I preferred to try again somewhere else for what I really have my heart set on, rather than settle for something different ... Well, that's what I originally thought, but then I fell once again for the 3-for-2 promotion and got three totally different books instead. I'm sure I'll dive into one of these without delay, but Blindness will jump the queue if I can track it down in town over the next couple of days.

We met at 6.45, went for a quick bite to eat in Mao's restaurant nearby (really very good), rescued the car from the car park, and went on to the local cinema to see Ratatouille. What a brilliant animated movie it is! It was sheer joy from beginning to end, made all the better by the showing of an unexpected short (also from Pixar), Lifted.

All in all, a good day. I've uploaded some other pics from today on Picasa. But it's late now (well, early tomorrow to be exact), so I'm off to bed. I'll sprinkle some comments around tomorrow.

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