Towards the Heavens

I don't know what it was about today that made me obsessed with looking at the sky. I found myself constantly wishing I had my camera with me on campus..

5 things:
1. My first grad exam of the fall semester is out of the way.
2. Double rainbow.
3. The way the sun struck the Central Market tower against the stormy sky tonight
4. I don't have pneumonia! Or walking pneumonia! Or anything happening in my lungs besides gas exchange.
5. The rain.

The impending storm made the afternoon so refreshingly cool outside. Standing on the top of my parking garage, I automatically feel closer to the clouds. Especially today. The clouds were lower and heavier. That's my favorite.
(Please also see the accompanying youtube video from the autotune guys/gal if you haven't already.)

I've been told by my doctor that I am on couch potato orders to heal my ribs. RX= couch + plenty of red wine to nurse me back to health. I have the best doctor ever.

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