The vagaries of spring

The image says it all really, suffice to say it was wet and cold. As I drove home there was sleet.

But on the up side, I planned this blip and I haven't done that for weeks. I've come to the conclusion I need to view Mum's progress and condition in blocks of time or a week or more. Day to day it's up and down but when I compare her with where she was 1 - 2 weeks ago, then I can see progress, albeit slow.

But that's ok, it's still progress and it's realistic.

The upcoming weekend will be a challenge. Living with constant machine noise at home is stressful. It's made easier knowing I have full insurance cover. That wasn't clear because of the nature of the shower leak (hidden and possibly due to gradual deterioration).

Hopefully I won't have the ceiling downstairs cut into and the floor upstairs ripped up. But if I do, then I guess I'll just take it a day at a time.

Not sure where I got the relaxed vibe from but I hope it lasts.

Have a great weekend.

Best large

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