Mainichi no Kioku

By saki


Today has been a pretty relaxing day~~ Went out to have brunch with my mum in the afternoon and was watching a few dramas after I came back.

After that, Jo and I went to the salon at the market near my house... It actually took us like almost 4 hours before we left the salon~ Jo did cutting, coloring and treatment while I just cut my hair and sat there chatting with her! Had fun talking to her! Showed her some Kanjani8 videos too. They are too cute! I have to share them!!!

My mum can't tell that I cut my hair... I DID!!!! It might not be obvious but I did! My fringe is shorter! And I kinda like this length! I am still not ready about cutting my hair short~~

Bought a new bag a few days ago, and thus the tag in the photo! I love the bag! Not just because it is big, but also that lovely simple design!!! :D This tag is so gonna be my new bookmark! Gonna replace my old Uniqlo bookmark with this!

Gonna spend the rest of the day finishing some more dramas and maybe I will start studying tomorrow! Have decided to start on something new! Instead of going for far outdoor photoshoots, I have decided to walk around my entire block and go around taking photos of flowers grown by others. I peeped at a few today and they seem interesting! By doing this, I can save more time! Hope it is gonna work out!

Listening to a Japanese radio station call j-wave but they are talking about Korean songs instead... Totally wth? Gonna wait till 2.35AM to watch LUNA SEA special interview... WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SHOWCASE THEIR STUFF SO LATE AT NIGHT!? T_T


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