No Domestic Goddess...

By NotNigella


...Wee C was hard at it this evening - one page of 'pencil play', practicing writing words from her homework reading book and drawing a picture too. They are now trying her with a level 7 reading book - must be a very gradual scale as it's still fairly simple for the wee soul! I swear she must just have a photographic memory for words because we're never really sat down and taught her reading at all! Strange wee thing!

Wee C has also been telling us about a very aggressive little girl in her class who has been calling the other kids idiots and telling them she's going to push them down the stairs or cut off their noses - charming! Luckily the teachers are aware, so hopefully they'll be able to nip it in the bud. She's possibly just not settling into school life as well as some of the other kids and lashing out in protest.... The teacher has told them to ignore her if she starts calling them names - and wee C's been warned by me not to call her names in return or there'll be trouble!

Wee D is missing his sister while she's at school. Apparently today he's been walking around with my mum's mobile all day 'phoning' wee C at school for a chat! And pretending he's at school too, walking about with his nursery backpack on his back... Awww. He's got three years to wait! :-)

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