Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax


A day of thwarted ambition. I guess that is why it is called Labor Day. :-) I laboured long and hard to make any progress.

My wife needed to go to Costco and I went with her. I thought Costco might afford some photographic opportunites. But there was one slight problem, the store was shut.

From Costco we headed north to Men's Wearhouse. I had received an e-mail yesterday saying that my tux for the wedding was ready. It should have been a 15-minute job. Wrong!

The trousers were about two inches two short. It looked as if the cat had died and I was wearing them at half mast/half staff. So we sat round and waited for the alteration. That took about 10 minutes and of course I had to try the trousers on again.

We were on the point of leaving the store when the heavens opened. We were forced to wait another 20 minutes before the rain eased off to where it was possible to make it to the car without getting completely soaked.

It rained off and on all the way back to Riverside and then started up again in earnest as we pulled on to the driveway of our house. At 5:00 p.m., it eventually stopped raining and I headed to downtown Jacksonville again.to find something for today's blip.

The old Barnett Bank Building on the corner of Adams Street and Laura Street caught my eye because of all the open windows in the upper storeys. I don't know whether they have had plasterers in and are letting the walls dry out.

The building was bought by a company in 2003 with plans to turn it into apartments, some retail and a boutique hotel. People always seem to have grandiose schemes for downtown Jacksonville but the seldom come to fruition and so the decay and decline continues.

Judging from the signs on the building, I think new owners are being sought. I have the feeling it is going to be a long search. And I do wonder why the windows are constantly left open.

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