the festive morning

it was a holiday today on occasion of Eid. Despite a stressful last couple of days at work and a couple of post midnight calls from work waking me up, I got up early. After a long time, sun was shining brightly today. It was a lovely morning with gorgeous light - a perfect day to go out shooting in the alleys of old city. But there was something else in store for me. I had to go to office to attend to something that will eventually not get accomplished during the day, adding further to the stress. From childhood, we are taught that 'future' and 'career' are much that we forget how to live in and enjoy the present. There are ups and downs in one's career, which I am sure I wont remember for long. But there are often some 'insignificant' stolen moments among constantly flowing time that are far more significant than others. Moments of travel, watching the rain, or just sitting at the edge of a cliff, thinking of nothing. Last year, when I visited Kolkata, I went to this "artisan's alley" for photography. After a while, it suddenly started raining. I took refuge in a very small shop. The owner of the shop was paining thermocol designer frames. There was just enough room for the two of us and a couple of frames on the floor. I sat there, watching him paint and the raindrops hitting the edge of my shoe. That was one of the moments when I was really at peace and wished it lasted for ever. That was one of stolen that will remain etched in my memory for ever.

[P.S.] - Funny that in the middle of all this stress, I dreamt of the hills last night.

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