Caught... a beam of light.

I went for a late walk this afternoon. The sun was very low in the sky. It beamed right through the tree branches and captured this little chipmunk. He was making chirrupping noises, and that's how I spotted him sitting on the log. They can be pesky little critters, but it's still fun to see them.

I just finished chatting (IM-ing) with my oldest grandson in Australia. September 11th is his birthday. That's tomorrow here, but it is today there, so I got to wish him a Happy Birthday. How cool is that! It was a treat for me at any rate. I also chatted with his sister, our oldest granddaughter, a little bit ago. She's the one who blips (i.e. Blipsqueak ). Gotta love Skype. It pops up a little message in the corner of my screen to tell me when they come on line.

That's all for tonight. Time to go to bed.

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