
By reminisce

Last day at Pondicherry

All the days we spent in Pondicherry the sun never came out of the clouds at sunrise but much later in the day. Only the mornings were incredibly pleasant and tolerable. I used to wake up every morning with an alarm to see the sun was not out and go back to sleep. I had been telling A about us walking the beach road early in the morning but he had been very lazy. Today, was our last day here and I managed to drag him out of bed saying that. The morning was very pleasant and we walked till the end of the road near the old port. It was really beautiful and there were many people there.

I spent some time taking more sea pictures, and worked hard to get the splash of water against the base of the port. At one point the waves crashed on my and I jolted backwards. I hadn't noticed my lens hood fall but someone picked it up for me while I was still busy looking through my lens.

We visited the hand-made paper factory and it was a great experience to see the variety of paper and how cheap it was. A German gentleman who had come there as well started speaking to us a lot. He was working in Auroville and he repaired photo frames and paintings. His wife and kids had gone back to Germany and he seemed to express some grief over that. He felt India was always a spiritual country and he liked it here. He continued to talk about various topics about outsourcing and asked us if we liked our jobs. We said yes. He mentioned how the hype would move on to other cities and countries over time and that this was a continuous process.. We knew he was right.

We then drove back to Chennai and today being a weekday the ECR road was empty and the drive was pleasant. We were back at my aunt's and spent some more fun time with them, and drove back the next morning. It was a really fun and relaxing vacation with a lot of variety and I would like to do more such long drives.

Here are the photos from the vacation

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