Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Atlantic Sunset

Absolutely love this photo!!!
I took the gang down to the beach a few days previously to have a look at the sunset. We all loved the waves - all except Nana, who had memories of a previous holiday in Portugal However this is the Atlantic Coast, so what do you expect. I decided I wasn't happy with the results, so went back for a closer look. I just loved the way the waves leapt up, almost trying to help the setting sun down to its evening slumber. I'm putting more on flikr, so if you dont see them on yet, please come back and you'll find them on there. There was a lot of competition for todays blip, as I went for some lunch at another photogenic spot in nearby Cap Breton. If anyone follows Runrig, they will know that the lead singer Bruce Guthro actually originates from Cape Breton over in Canada. I wonder if its as nice as this place?!

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