My Aim is True



300 blips, I've made it.

Sadly I missed a few days here and there. However it's worked in my favour, as the 300th blip landed on a wonderful day. I got to spend most of today with my most favourite person in the whole world. Someone that I don't get to see nearly as much as I would like, for reasons too personal and complex to go into. And sometimes when we meet I can find the parting very hard, however today it was all good. The day involved some driving hence the very, very boring blip. (I know I should have made some effort to have a more exciting blip - but hell,it's better than my usual blipping the telly nonsense) And anyway we were so busy lunching (posh venue, too!) and chatting and having dinner, that blipping was the last thing on my mind. And later on older acquaintances were rekindled and I had great company on the way home.

I really love being part of the blip community - lots of other blippers mark their blip-versaries by saying they have learnt so much about photography...well, as is fairly obvious I have learned bugger all, and even after 300 blips am still loving using my crappy wee phone.

But I really enjoy reading everyone's blips and seeing just some of the most astounding photos, and meeting (albeit virtually) some really really astounding people.

Thanks to blip-central for coming up with this fantastic idea.

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