No Sitting

After a most enjoyable and relaxing evening yesterday with two cycling friends, it was back to hard labour and another trip this morning to the storage unit to reclaim more boxes, the contents of which have no discernible home. The result is a large box filled with excess clothes going to charity.
We've left two remaining boxes of pictures to worry about later.

I have to say his Lordship in particular and I to a lesser degree are absolutely shattered physically and tired of having every day taken up with moving stuff and having a pre ordained timetable for workmen and deliveries.

His Lordship has been hauling far too heavy boxes over a 100 yd space from the car to the house and he's feeling the strain.
However the alternative would have been to have all these boxes arriving in a small space at the one time and that would have been a nightmare.

Today we have missed for the first time in many years the annual Pedal for Scotland cycle run from Glasgow to Edinburgh.
It was a beautiful day for it, sunny with a fairly brisk west wind. The cyclists would have been blown along nicely.

The run is usually west to east to accommodate the prevailing west wind, but one year about 4 or 5 years ago, the organisers decided to change the direction and we started in Edinburgh. Unfortunately that day there was an extremely strong westerly headwind and the field was decimated. They've never repeated the experiment.

I rather liked the irony of this blip. An unlikely spot to want to sit anyway, I would think.

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