Finding Contentment.....

We spent the day up in Sydney, about an hour away from home, at a meditation retreat, we only took part in the 2nd half. Now I know that 'meditation retreat' sounds just wonderful and relaxing and beautiful....and it is all of those things...but it is also a struggle, difficult and sometimes very challenging! It was a very fruitful day! Anyway, the guy leading the retreat read this amazing poem at the end...i just have to share it, sorry it's a bit long, but i loved it!!


By Chogyam Trungpa

In the midst of thick jungle
Monkeys swing,
Snakes coil,
Days and nights go by.
Suddenly I witness you,
Striped like sun and shade put together.
You slowly scan and sniff, perking your ears,
Listening to the creeping and rustling sounds:
You have super-sensitive antennae.
Walking gently, roaming thoroughly,
Pressing paws with claws,
Moving with the sun's camouflage,
Your well-groomed exquisite coat has never been touched
or hampered by others.
Each hair bristles with a life of its own.
In spite of your feline bounciness and creeping slippery
Pretending to be meek,
You drool as you lick your mouth,
You are hungry for prey -
You pounce like a young couple having orgasm:
You teach zebras why they are black and white;
You surprise haughty deer, instructing them to have a sense
of humor along with their fear.
When you are satisfied roaming in the jungle,
You pounce as the agent of the sun:
Catching pouncing clawing biting sniffing -
Such meek tiger achieves his purpose.
Glory be to the meek tiger!
Roaming, roaming endlessly,
Pounce, pounce in the artful meek way,
Licking whiskers with satisfying burp.
Oh, how good to be a tiger!

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