The Team

Well, who would have guessed this time last week that we'd have moved back into our old office. Madness!

The day went pretty smoothly, Mike picked up the servers from Snap and we reinstalled them into the rack, tweaked the new wireless connection, and then we were running by 10.30am. Fantastic!

Then the alarm guys arrived to reinstall the alarm, I talked to the insurance broker who is going to initiate a claim, and started work. Then it was a team lunch (group therapy sessions I think), then a birthday afternoon tea, (happy 30th Tracy!) and then after work drinks to celebrate being up and running again.

It's great to have the team back together, I think we all missed each other last week. Somewhat sad to be back in the old office and missing our fab new place, but at least we have a place, so many don't. Life is no back to normal for us, thinking of all those for whom it may not be for months.

Oh yes, we didn't save any furniture, so for now we're standing. Means you can run for the doorways faster with the aftershocks!

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