
By cracker

Emerging Tulip!

Had a lovely day today. Tarsh dropped Ethan off at about 9 and the boys spent the whole morning playing quite well together. It was a beautiful blue sky day today so we spent the majority of the time outside in the backyard!

We were playing on the back paved area at one stage and I saw a caterpillar crawling along. I pointed it out to the boys and they spent ages talking to it and laying on the ground with their heads so close to it! They became quite brave and started giving it a little gentle poke then running away! They would come over, squat down to look at it, then run off back to the play gym. At one stage Ethan came over and accidentally stood on it and only half of it was left and it sort of curled up a bit. They picked it up and asked it if it was alright (which it wasn't!), then I said we should put it on a leaf and put it in the garden to 'rest'! About half an hour later I saw another one crawling on the ground and I pointed it out to the boys and they were happy saying that it was better! I didn't tell them it was a different caterpillar!!

Tarsh came back about 12, we had lunch then she took Ethan home for his sleep and Spence had his! I mowed the lawn then went over into Joe and Bev's backyard because I had seen that Bev's tulips were starting to open! I took a few shots, only a couple had opened so I will have more opportunity to take more photos soon!

Thanks for all the comments yesterday on my iris blip! I even made the spotlight page! Very exciting!!

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