Rhys' Blipfoto Journal

By rhyssmith

Where the magic happens...

One of those rare days where I actually spent the day in the office! As usual, spent most of it catching up with paperwork - mostly expense claims... But also giving a response to a business case assessment of "eduID".

The idea behind eduID is to rationalise the user interface experience of using federated access by introducing a common "branding" experience for the process. Until more fundamental, long term, changes come along (for example project moonshot), this seems like a relatively easy to implement (that is if you ignore political considerations) step forward that should make the federated process more consistent for users in the academic world. I'm a fan - I recommended the idea in the JISC funded Service Provider Interface Study that I wrote a while back.

The problem I've had today is that completing this response has involved filling out a spreadsheet sufficiently complicated that I think part of my brain has been seriously injured in the process. I'm considering calling claims direct.

The photo - my desk in the office, obviously. Note the focal point of the whole desk is the cup of tea in pride of place.

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