The Laws

By thelaws

Work in progress still

I almost let the day slip by. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I almost forgot. I didn't realise the significance of today.

I've actually hit 100 blips. When I started back in July, I wasn't even sure I'd make 30, but here I am. There is something comforting about summing up each day with a photo. Sometimes with words that have real significance, and sometimes just letting the image speak.

This one speaks to me. It tells me that I've managed to stick at something for 100 times (no mean feat for me!). Its also reminding me that I need to sew some more felt!

For everyone who has ever left me a comment - I've been touched. None more so than on 26th September when Flick, traceyflowerpot and seaurchin threw me a lifeline. You'll never know just how your words helped me that day - but they did, so thank you.

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