In Tru Life

By TruLife

Hot Hot Hot

The title reflects the temperatures my babies have had... Floriana's was 37.9 to 38.2 depending on whether the thermometer came out of her ear or not yesterday but I thought the thermometer must be broken and borrowed another today. But when Madeleine seemed shivery, listless and very hot this afternoon, I tried both only to find she was 38.6 Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a fever? I called NHS24 and was asked LOADS of questions relating to certain serious conditions to which the answers were no, no, no, I'll ask... no... So I was told to keep an eye on her and after some double meds (calpol & neurofen) the temp went down to 38.3 so that's good! :-) She's worried about tomorrow as she had a friend coming for tea who will probably have to be cancelled, but we'll see in the morning!

This morning we hosted baby-mummy-coffee which needs to become regular again now that the summer holidays are finished. It was just one other mummy and baby as the others couldn't make it, but I think Floriana was secretly pleased as she got every baby's favourite hotty, baby Evan all to herself! She kept looking at him (he is totally gorgeous) and she gave him a couple of playful slaps to which he "pointed" to her eyes! Very cute!

This photo is at lunchtime because it was the first time Flori had tried cheese twist breadsticks, which she of course was delighted with. Teatime was also a new-food success with Flori eating cheesy pasta with peas by herself and I could see a developing pincer grasp too! LOL. Don't worry I'm not turning into a competitive mum! Nooooo!

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