In Tru Life

By TruLife

9 Months Today!

Floriana is 9 months today and it seems like every day she's doing something new, which is so exciting as all you parents out there will know. Today Flori kept waving and saying "Bye, bye, bye, ba, ba, bye" really emphasising it as if she was excited to be able to make a real word! Should I take that as her first real word? Or a couple of weeks ago we were playing with the cat and I was calling for him over and over "Pepito, Pepito" to which Floriana said "Pito" very quickly, so quickly in fact I almost missed it and then spent the next 10 minutes wondering if I'd imagined it! I hadn't though, she definitely imitated me but I don't know if that counts as she probably didn't consciously say it!

Madeleine was off school today as her temperature was still high but once she had some meds she was ok and so I decided to keep my hairdresser appointment as I really needed it! Roots? Arrrg! She was good as gold and played happily on her DS and Flori was perfection too, well almost! My "stylist" Stephan (a genius) did his thing, and I came out with just what I wanted... a sort of biscuity brown colour with blonde highlights! Lovely!

Floriana really enjoyed a special treat by going in the big bath tonight! She splashed away to her hearts content as you can see, and was still doing splashing movements when I was drying her! Maddy's away to the beetle drive with Daddy as she was desperate not to miss it, so it's definitely school tomorrow!

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