Old chair

One of the guys in the Music Group makes a beeline for this old chair whenever he's at a music session in my place. Apart from finding it very comfortable, he also likes the design and its old-fashioned looks. He mentioned last Saturday that it might be a well-regarded make and perhaps 'worth a bit'. When he asked about its history and I told him it had come from my aunt's house in England after her death, he said that provenance could support his theory.

It's looking a bit the worse for wear these days, but the fabric must have been very attractive in its day, and the chair's lines are certainly graceful. For Blip purposes, all that mattered was that the sun was shining on it and it looked a likely tight focus subject.

Updating after yesterday's miserable tales of woe: there was an early-morning email exchange between me and the Wedding printer, which ended with us back on friendly terms and a mid-morning delivery of the place-names job as originally intended (indeed, it had been printed on really good-qaulity card stock, and they'd supplied two copies for good measure. I'm half way through painstakingly cutting round the 'pop-up' and trimming and folding them. 20 done so far, in two batches because it's eye-straining and back-breaking work.

Renault and the electric windows? I got a call from the service department in the garage, quoting a price for repair. As a prelude to the bad news I was told that I realised, of course, that these things are expensive (I did? how would I realise that?). Fortunately, I was sitting down when I was told that the regulator had failed in each door, and that replacements would cost 480 euro - for each! I explained about going on holiday on Sunday and said I'd leave the car with them until I came back, and not to do anything until discussions with their Service Manager and Renault Customer Service were resolved. The person in Services who phoned said she wasn't aware that Renault had been on to the Service Manager, and said the phone call was merely a quote for the necessary work. So we're talking the guts of a grand to get one window to come back down again and the other to go back up. No point worrying about it until after the holiday - though it's hard to get it out of the old head.

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