Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

SLR Eyes

Hello Gentle Blipfriends

Are you ready for some madness?

I mentioned in an earlier blip about joining old and new.

This is the result. Beautiful eyes.

I bought an old SLR lens (OM fit) and an adapter to marry to my Olympus E510 DSLR.

The autofocus doesn't work, but who cares.

There was a real joy in watching the aperture physically shut as you turned the ring. It was like the beginning of Camberwick Green!

There is a thrill in REALLY relying on your eye to focus. Nearly, beyond, there!

I took 5 photos. three way out, two spot on. It is a 1.8 Aperture 50mm lens. Portrait prime. This apparently means you get to shoot in low light, but it also means you get real limited focus and a shallow depth of field.

I love it.

It cost £27 quid. Why not try one?

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