Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

IPhone Challenge-: Somewhere...

Skies are blue.

But not here.

But I caught the rainbow!

Why are they so special?

Originally it was apparently God who gave them as a sign of a new covenant for Noah. But that can't be right, cos they are to do with light and water aren't they?

Now, if I was a devout Christian I would simply say "Yeah. God changed the light properties and allowed rainbows from thence."

And if I was to follow the principle of Ockam's Razor, that might be the simplest explanation.

But there is an even simpler one.....

Light and water have always done this. Therefore, the Bible is lying.....and consequently A) God doesn't exist or B)Humans always get it wrong when they try to understand something beautiful.

Watching the Pope try to salvage something good from the mess of the Catholic church's scandals I am tempted to vote B.

What do you guys think?

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