This Reeling Day

By kkaulakh

La Noche de Los Lapices

Hubo una manifestacion increible esta noche. For three blocks, students gathered with huge signs hoisted on poles, and marched to the beat of drum circles all the way to la Plaza de Mayo. This parade was to commemorate the kidnapping of 10 teenagers in 1976.

Between the 8th and 21st of September in 1976, 10 teens ranging from 17 to 18 years old were kidnapped from their houses, and held for years, during which they were tortured. Three survived, and the remaining seven "disappeared," just as another 30,000 Argentines did under dictatorship. This was the only case of high-schoolers being taken by the military (I think). The other victims were adults. The sign in the picture says, Siguen escribiendo, Hoy, Ayer, y Siempre; They're still writing, Today, Yesterday, and Always. This poignant phrase is most appropriate for the commemoration of the students, whose deaths will never be forgotten in this country.

Walking in that crowd, marching with such passionate youths was a really unique experience.

I'll expand more on this later when I know more about the phenomenon. Our teachers decided to incorporate the subject into our classes since we showed such a tremendous interest in the South American holocaust.

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