Me and Max

By grete


We know how to play, Anne-Kari (next to now) and I. Twice before she has been my blip model (here and here), and she was the one to shoot my portrait photo. Our cameras are toys and tools, depending which way you look at the word expression.

Today, after attending an authors´ interview at the Opera House in Oslo, we spotted kids playing by the entrance. The sight was magic, but lasted for only seconds. Instead of grieving a lost camera moment, Anne-Kari decided to be the reflection ballerina. She moved about like fish in water, offering one pose after another.

So we know how to play.

We also know how to be serious. Each time we meet we add to the Book of Universal Stories by submitting our own Unique Chapters. These personal stories which, when peered into deep enough, are really part of the same.

One story touching the next touching the next touching the next......

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