
By craftynini

'Eye Eye - Where's My Camera?'

I am using my bionic eagle-eye to try to locate my camera!

It's not in my house. I don't know where it is, but I know why it's not here....

Yesterday after taking the bird pictures at the museum, Joe suddenly provided a great blip moment in amongt the taxidermy. I grabbed my camera, switched it on and promptly threw it (literally and accidently) on the floor.. Lens side down!!! I felt sick, I got watery eyes, my heart sank.

When I switched it on it made a strange noise and the lens spun around in an unfamiliar manner.

Put simply - I have broken my beloved camera. I't has been sent to the menders and I have been told it could take 1-2 weeks!!!!!!

I'm bloody gutted. So am using Open Door's camera. I've decided to challenge myself to only take my blips in the morning before Open Door goes to work.

God speed my camera...

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